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The book drive initiative aligns with NCNW National Programs which are grounded on a foundation of critical concerns known as our "Core4 Policy Priorities": Healthcare, Education, Economic Empowerment and Social Justice. Our goal is to encourage children of all ages to read books by Black Authors and Black Illustrators.
The St. Petersburg Metropolitan Section's "Freedom to Learn" Annual Book Drive Committee Chair and Florida State Vice President, Gwendolyn Fields, and the Committee Members, Thelma Bruce, SPMS 1st Vice President, Tamaira Heyward, Cynthia Jenkins, Georgia Thomas and Renee Waymon have worked diligently in planning this statewide initiative. The committee extends a heartfelt thank you to the Officers and Members for funding this project through the Section's Programs Budget. We would also like to thank the Members who participated in the vote for the book drive recipients.
A total of 126 books will be donated to the following five community organizations/businesses as a result of the vote. You may click here for a list of the books.
Daycare Center Category: (Two Daycare Centers will receive donations)
Elementary School Category:
Middle School Category:
High School Category:
All Section Members are invited to attend the book drive presentations. The presentations are scheduled as follows:
Please feel free to contact the members of the Book Drive Committee with any questions you may have.
Thank you President Robinson, Officers, Section Members, and the Inaugural "Freedom to Learn" Book Drive Committee for your unwavering commitment to this Program.
Yours in Service,
Gwendolyn FieldsVice President, Florida State Coalition of NCNW, Inc.
National Compliance Team Member
Chair, State Programs Committee
NCNW St. Petersburg Metropolitan Section
1835 9th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33712, United States